Monday, February 9, 2009

Rex the Wonder Dog

If you don't know already, Joe loves Basset Hounds. If you've never received a hand written card or letter from Joe, then you don't know what his trademark sketch of Rex the Wonder Dog looks like, which is unfortunate. In fact one Thanksgiving Joe decorated a pumpkin pie with a chocolate swirl drawing of a basset hound, with a cape, flying through the air, (Rex the Wonder Dog). If we are playing a game where one partner has to draw clues for the other partner, and Joe gets stumped, more often than not- you better believe it- Joe just substitutes a small drawing of his favorite flying basset hound. That is my explaination for why Rockwell is in this really sweet basset hound get up.
Rock wants to make sure you see the close up of the puppy, he's pointing it out for you. In his sleep.


  1. The footsies on the sleeper are so cute!

  2. Oh Sarah!! He is sooo cute!! I hope you all are doing good!!!

  3. Hey Sarah, this is Emily Grow, Well Emily grow the second. :) How are you? Your little boy is sooo cute. When did you have him. I am so glad I found your blog. you look great
