Has it really only been 3 days? Feels like a lot more... Before Joe left Rocky got hooked on his IPOD games. He got really good and could sit forever playing anything on it. He started going through withdrawls so I introduced him to the computer and looked up train games online. He LOVES doing that now too. The funny thing is, he wants to direct the game pieces like a touch screen on our computer. He hasn't quite caught on to maneuvering the mouse and clicking. On Sunday we went over to my Uncle Richard's house and Rocky found his niche with the big boys playing wii. Ok, he wasn't really playing, he happened to swipe a controller when someone walked away... but the important thing is, he thought he was playing. I think I have a little media man on my hands.
15 years ago
I miss you guys a ton. Guate is fun and it has been a good experience so far. I love the stories, keep them coming. Love you Rocky, Rosy, and Sarah