Rosy, what is daddy's favorite food?
I don't know.
Rocky said, "brownies and cake!"
What is daddy's favorite game?
Ring around the Rosie's!
And Rocky said- hide and seek (our family home evening game for the past 2 years!)
What about daddy's favorite sport?
Rosy: Rockys favorite sport.
Rocky: Running! -if I would have asked him this in the winter I know what his answer would have been...
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
Rosy: play with big daddy toys.
Rocky: play games like Mario, Legos and hide and seek.
Here's some information about Joe:
Rocky says Joe is turning 20 years old this year.
He wears his 30's like a 20 year old- hunting snakes, jumping on trampolines, playing on slip'n'slides...
How tall is daddy?
Rosy: big, big! BIG!
Rocky: this tall (& then rocky jumps as high as he can go)
What color is his hair?
Rocky and rosy both said BLACK
His eyes however are pink according to Rosy and blue according to Rocky.
Fortunately for both of them, they both got his bright blue eyes.
What does daddy like to wear?
Rosy: Hims favorite shirt.