Friday, July 24, 2009

North Carolina

It only took about a week but we made it coast to coast! North Carolina was awesome, (I feel like I have said that about every stop we have made this summer, but so far everything has been so fun!)
We spent two days at Tucker Lake because one just wasn't enough.

The swinging trapeeze was the best part.

Leah plugged her nose on every jump. I think that is why she could never do a back flip.

The tent got a little wet from the Smoky Mountains, so we set it up to dry out. Except it rained for 2 more days after that! Rocky loves tents.

Sometimes you just got to lounge nakey.
Oh Rossie poo...
A day at Wilmington Beach.
Rock wasn't sure about it, especially after he shoved a fist full of sand in his mouth, and then rubbed it into his eyes.
but waking up from a nap always makes him happy.
Notice who is wearing a hat in this picture...
and who has it in this one. Gavin was a little posessive of anything Rock was interested in.
Jackson and Joe had a backyard tent sleep over (that lasted 10 min...Jackson prefers his own bed apparantly.)
This here is the after math of some serious tap out wrestling. Leah and I went 4 rounds, and Rachel went one round on each of us. I think Leah is the toughest fighter I know, watch out Crush. If you look closely Leah and Rachel have blood all over their shirts, cause Leah gave Rachel a bloody nose. Rachel is a tough cookie though, she didn't tap out until Leah had her in a good choke. As it stands Leah has beat me 3 times but I got her on our last go round. To be continued...
On the road, again.


  1. Hopefully you took that last picture while you were stopped. If not, kudos on your photog skills lady. ;)

    That tap-out stuff sounds intense. And it makes me reminisce about Rebecca's wedding when you wrestled Randi's brother...

  2. holy cow you girls don't mess around!! nice. next time i see you i would like to go a round with you - hmmmm i wonder who would win...

  3. Looks like you guys had a blast. That is awsome that you guys had a wrestling match. And you little boy is sooo cute.
